Major Macros
The 3 major Macros we'll talk about
- Fats
- Protiens
- Carbs
- Alcohol

What is Protien?
A fan favorite. Everyone loves protein. A reasonable amount of protein intake will help to build muscle and prevent muscle loss, it also curbs appetite and lets you feel fuller for longer periods of time than any other macro.
Where do you get Protein?
Eggs, Fish, Steak, Chicken, Legumes, and of course Protein shakes!
The calories you burn simply digesting food account for 5 to 15 percent of your energy expenditure. Protein and alcohol require the most energy.
What should my Protein intake be?
Up to the individual, based on your weight, bodyfat percentage and fitness goals – as low as 0.5 grams per pound of lean body mass (per day) and as high as 1.5-2 grams per pound of lean body mass.
Lean body mass is your total bodyweight minus your fat. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds and are 10% bodyfat, your lean body mass is 90 pounds, or 100 – (100*10%).
So, if you weigh 200 pounds and have 160 pounds of lean body mass, 0.5 grams per day would be 160*0.5 = 80 grams of protein

What are Carbs?
Carbs are stored in the liver, brain, blood and muscles as glycogen. Our bodies use carbohydrates for energy.
Where do you get Carbs?
Fruits, vegetables, pasta, bread, many processed foods/drinks, and seemingly everything you obsessively craved if you’ve ever tried a low-carb diet.Almost everything has Carbs.
What should my Carb intake be?
It depends on your goals and size. Technically, you can live on zero carbs. But, bodybuilders or endurance athletes have consumed 700+ grams per day. So, the range is pretty wide.
So 0.5-2 grams per pound of lean body mass is probably a decent range, again, depending on activity level, weight, bodyfat percentage and goals.

What is Fat?
More is being learned every day on the benefits and importance of Fat in a solid macro plan. Fat is an essential nutrient that our bodies require to live. It assists in vitamin absorption, hormone regulation, brain function, and more.
Where do you get Fat?
Fruits, many processed foods and drinks, Meat, fatty fish, nuts, nut butters, oils and countless other sources.
What should my Fat intake be?
Truly depends on your weight, bodyfat percentage and individual goals – probably somewhere between 15% and 45% of your total calories. However, it can vary based on your total calories consumed and whether you are in a caloric surplus or deficit.
Somewhere between 0.35-0.7g per pound of lean body mass is a good range.

What is Alcohol
It is classed as a depressant, meaning that it slows down vital functions—resulting in slurred speech, unsteady movement, disturbed perceptions and an inability to react quickly.
Where do you get Alcohol?
Pretty much all the fun places.
What should my Alcohol intake be?
As much as it takes to forget your problems, comfortably interact with the opposite sex, and enjoy family get togethers.